Minimalist Still Life


Some projects are born from the necessity to create, This was one of those projects. One of those projects where I don’t really know how I got here, but just sort of got lost in a stream of consciousness.

I hesitate to give this series a name, because it is something that was formed out of intuition and trusting the creative process... I would hate to minimize it to a title.

To me, this project is still alive and I’m still taking it in... but the more I look at these images, the more they feel like myself reflected back to me. To me that’s what art is all about.

Personal projects are sort of my journal. I am sure that years from now, I can look back at these and know exactly what I was thinking/feeling. Art can be beautiful like that.

All images ©DavidButler2021

Camera: Phase One IQ1 50

Lens: Schneider Kreuznach 120mm LS f/4.0 Macro- F8 @ 1/200th sec - iso 400

David Butler

Boston Product Photographer David Butler.

Classic Leather Boots.


Botanical Still Life Study