Large Format Film Product Photography

All Images ©DavidButler2022. All Rights Reserved.

A few words about shooting large format film-

There is a lot about the much slower over analytical process that is the 4x5 view camera experience to appreciate. There are so many things that can go wrong, and so many steps to take and things to consider for a successful shoot. When you find your inner quiet and the right headspace, the engagement with the view camera and subject is a kin to a symbiotic slow dance. When there are no interruptions, it becomes very fluid and instinctual. The creative decisions become a real time imagination exercise, as I have to visualize in my mind the outcome of each decision and the impact it will have on the final image. When there is no digital back to see the instant results, there is this raw connection that you need to have with the subject, and trust in the process.

Lastly, there is a look that these large format cameras have combined with the type of film stock that is un-parralled and cannot be duplicated fully… While you can get close, its just not as good as the real thing. When everything comes together, the effort that goes into each frame is absolutely worth it.

“What takes time, time respects.”- Unkown.

This series is about simplicity and minimal abstract design. My goal was to use negative space to accentuate the shapes, and create bold graphic images.


Camera: Sinar 4”x5” monorail studio view camera

Lens: 127mm lens.

Film: Fomapan 100


Thought of the day- When the creative decisions align with your consciousness, harmony occurs.

Here is a look behind the scenes of the capture process in studio. One camera, one light, and the subject. Very simple setup.

David Butler

Boston Product Photographer David Butler.



Hard Mountain Dew